Squadron Leader George Urquhart Hill, DFC & Two Bars

Photo of S/L Hill taken in 1941
Used with permission from acesofww2.com
Squadron Leader George Urquhart Hill, DFC was born in Antigonish, Nova Scotia on October 29, 1918. Growing up, he intended to enter the field of medicine, but was unable to attend. Instead, he enrolled in the Royal Canadian Air Force in September of 1939 at the age of 20. He earned his pilot wings in March of 1940.
Early on in his service, he instructed at No.9 Service Flying Training School (SFTS) in Summerside, Prince Edward Island. In 1942, Hill arrived in the European Theatre and was attached to 412 Squadron (RCAF) where he served as a fighter pilot. In June of 1942, he was posted to 453 Squadron (RCAF) and in August was reassigned to 403 Squadron (RCAF) where he served in the raid on Dieppe. In 1943, Hill was attached to 111 Squadron (RAF) where in a few short months, he had six confirmed kills and was responsible for the damage of many others. For his efforts, he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. Soon after he was promoted to Acting Squadron Leader. In under a month, he received a bar to his Distinguished Flying Cross. He was awarded a second bar some months later.
“Hill, George Urquhart - Traces Of War,” Hill, George Urquhart - TracesOfWar.com, n.d., https://www.tracesofwar.com/persons/44874/Hill-George-Urquhart.htm.
“Hill, George Urquhart - Traces Of War.” Hill, George Urquhart - TracesOfWar.com, n.d. https://www.tracesofwar.com/persons/44874/Hill-George-Urquhart.htm.
HillGU, n.d. http://www.canadaveteranshallofvalour.com/HillGU.htm.