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The Duke of Edinburgh's Award

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is a prestigious program for youth aged 14 to 24. Much like the cadet program itself, it encourages the development of leadership skills, citizenship, and physical fitness.


Learn more about the Award at

To Register for the Online Record Book

  1. Head to

  2. Under the "Not Registered?" heading, select Award Participant

  3. Click on the "Register" button

  4. Enter in the following information:

    • Country - Canada

    • Operating Authority - Alberta, NWT and Nunavut

      • Select sub Operating Partner - Cadets Canada

    • Award Unit - RCACS 52 - Calgary

    • Do you know who your Award Leader is? - Yes

  5. Continue filling in the application until complete



52 (City of Calgary) Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron, serving youth since 1941

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