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Instructors Cup

These cadets demonstrate the characteristics of a premier instructor. Also mentors and motivates junior instructors to challenge and improve their own skills and methods in the classroom, in the field, or wherever they may be delivering the cadet training program.

F/Sgt Forbes

WO1 de Waal

WO2 N. Guo

WO2 K. Jordan; F/Sgt R. Greaves

WO2 P. Bhatt

WO2 C. Ramson; F/Cpl K. Fraser

WO2 S. Sperle

F/Sgt I. Benham; WO2 J. Zou; F/Sgt G. Tucay; F/Sgt E. Perdomo

F/Sgt K. Jackson

F/Sgt B. Flowers; F/Sgt A. Klink; F/Sgt E. Perdomo; WO2 L. Jack; F/Sgt D. Afolayan; F/Sgt S. Morrison; F/Sgt G. Tucay; F/Sgt A. Lane; F/Sgt B. Emms; Sgt E. Fabiyi

Sgt A. Chalishajar; WO2 E. Chant

F/Sgt D. Bhatt

WO2 Hotchkiss

WO2 V. van den Broek

WO1 Ibrahim

WO2 E. Moar

WO2 Leurer

WO2 T. Stoner; F/Sgt E. Chant

WO2 F. Mukadam


52 (City of Calgary) Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron, serving youth since 1941

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