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IMPORTANT SAFETY & SECURITY ISSUE - Do not drop off your cadet for any activity until an officer is on-site to supervise. Do not drop off cadets before 1815hrs on Tuesday nights. Please make sure you pick up your cadet at the listed location and end time for activities. Consistent issues of cadets being picked up late from events may lead to that cadet not being permitted to attend optional activities.


Post-Secondary Scholarships

The Air Cadet League offers several post-secondary scholarships to cadets ranging from $1000 to $5000. Applications are due on April 1st. Typical criteria for selection include:

  • You must be in the cadet program in the year of application

  • You must be graduating from high school and entering a post-secondary institution

  • Scholastic achievement in high school

  • Achievements as a cadet

For more information, see the Air Cadet League website.


Field Training Exercise

These exercises typically begin Friday evening and end on Sunday afternoon.



Administration is open on Tuesday evenings from 1830 - 2100.  Please feel free to drop in to discuss attendance issues, validation paperwork, detailed health questionnaires, summer camp applications and offers, and/or changes to any contact information.


Cadets who arrive late or leave early on a parade night must notify the duty desk or the Administration Officer.



For inquiries about level training, contact your Level Officer. For inquiries about promotions, contact the Training Officer.​



52 (City of Calgary) Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron, serving youth since 1941

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